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Foreign Direct Investment

If you want any Foreign Investment in Nepal, then we help you to get approval for Foreign Investment.

For FDI one must have their company registered in Nepal, and require following requirements/documents too:

  1. Obtaining Foreign Investment Approval From DOI/IBN
  2. Tax Registration at Inland Revenue Department
  3. Business Registration at Local Ward Office
  4. Registration of Industry at DOI
  5. Obtaining NRB Approval to bring in Foreign Investment Amount
  6. and manymore…


The minimum investment required for obtaining foreign investment approval has been fixed at NPR 50 million.

Required Documents

  1. Company Profile of Foreign Investor
  2. Copy of Certificate of Registration and other certificate of registration of Foreign Investor.
  3. Documents stating the source of Investment and Time Schedule of Investment.
  4. Passport of Foreign Investor (Incase Investor is Person) and Passport of directors of Investors (Incase Investor is entitities)
  5. Commitment Letter by Investor stating he/she/they will not repatriate Investment till one year.
  6. and others which will be fulfilled or asked by us.

It generally takes around 3 to 5 months for the completion of the entire process.

After incorporation, the company may further need to obtain approval or licenses from regulatory authorities depending upon the nature of the industry or business such as :

  • Approval from the Insurance Board for insurance business,
  • NRB Approval for bank and financial institutions
  • Department of Electricity Development for electricity projects
  • Department of Tourism for tourism related business
  • Department of Food Technology and Quality Control for food industry and so on.

Note: The above mentioned data might change according to goverment rules and will be valid only according to that time.